Thank You To Our Sponsors

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Galles Properties
Performance Horse Central
Carol Ward
Core Balance
Livestock Nutrition Center
Grand Hotel Historic McKinney Square
Zimmerer Kubota
Circle S
Dual Reyish / Wolf Livestock
Sunee Ranch
J Cutting Horses
Cascades Futurity and Aged Event
Way Out West Cutting Series
Oxbow Ranch
BR Cutting Horses
Melissa Feeders
Peterson Performance Horses
Tim Smith Cutting Horses
Cuttinup Show Blankets
Gavin Jordan
Jim & Mary Jo Milner
That Others May Live (TOML)
Monty Buntin Cutting Horses
RR Ranches

Official Photographer

Emily Coffeen Photography

Trainers Wall Of Fame

Morgan Cromer Cutting Horses
Al Dunning Training Stables
Jordan Cutting Horses - Gavin Jordan
Todd Bitmat Cutting Horses
Tim Smith Cutting Horses
Cardon Cutting Horses - Chip Cardon
Schlesigner Cutting Horses - Steve Schlesinger
Jade Keller Performance Horses
Monty Buntin Cutting Horses
Rock Hedlund Cutting Horses
Mike Wood Performance Horses
Lindy Burch Cutting Horses
Lamont Cross Performance Horses - Cody Lamont
T&K Performance Horses - Todd & Kim Adolf
Shad Platt Training Stables
Southern Cross Ranch - Andrew Coats
Brent Erickson Cutting Horses
Meyers Ranch - Dylan Meyer
Peterson Performance Horses - Tosten Peterson
Mike Warman Training Stables
Wisehart Cutting Horses - Eric Wisehart
Tom Diaz Cutting Horses
Tim Horn Cutting Horses


5920 CR 500
Blue Ridge, Texas 75424